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The Clothes We Wear: Fasteners and Accessories

Who doesn't love to dress things up? This 15 Minute Circle Time focuses on the fasteners that keep our clothes together, like buttons, velcro and zippers. It also explores the wonderful accessories that people often wear to "dress things up!"

*For today's lesson, children were asked to wear clothes with buttons!


Attention Getter: Corduroy the Bear

Tell that class that you have a very special guest today. Bring out Corduroy and introduce him to the class. (You can order one online, or use a stuffed bear that you have. Ideally, use a bear that has overalls and buttons.) Let them know that Corduroy wore his special clothes today because he knew that you would be learning about fasteners and accessories. Emphasize the word "fasteners" and ask the children if they know what that means." Fasteners are the parts of our clothes that hold them up, or help keep them on our bodies! Show how Corduroy has two buttons to help hold his overalls up.


Activity 1: All Types of Fasteners

Place pictures of fasteners on the board: ties, buttons, buckles, snaps, velcro and zippers. Name each type of fastener as you encourage children to look at their clothing to see which ones they have. Then, go around the circle and have one child at a time stand up, see which types of fasteners he/she is wearing and then mark them on the board. When you are finished, you can tally the numbers of each type of fastener children were wearing.


Book: Corduroy

Read the story of Corduroy to the children.

Corduroy is a classic story about a small bear in a department story. A young girl wants to buy him but he is missing a button. Corduroy goes searching in the nighttime to find a new button.


Activity 2: Amazing Accessories!

Now that the children have a good idea of what "fasteners" are, ask them if they know what "accessories" are! Tell them that accessories are the things that people wear to complete their outfit or to make them look more dressed up. Tell the class that you have some accessories in the treasure chest and that you are going to give them clues to see if they can guess what is inside. As children guess, pull out the accessory and put it on.

The accessories we used were: hat, scarf, necklace, gloves, purse, sunglasses, belt, and bracelet.

The children LOVED

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