Attention Getter: Bag of Garbage
Have a sack full of clean garbage. (Choose items that are aluminum, plastic, glass and newspaper.) At circle time, open the treasure chest (or whatever you place your circle time items in and act very surprised that there is a sack of garbage inside! Exclaim that you don't want this garbage as you go about spreading the garbage all over the room. The children will be aghast that you are making the room so messy.
Ask, “How would you like it if our preschool always looked like this?” “What is the matter with how it looks?” The kids should answer something like “there’s too much garbage.”
Activity 2: Cleaning Up Our World. Show a large poster of the earth. Have lots of garbage pasted to it. Discuss how garbage makes our world dirty and unsafe for people and animals. Point out the today they are going to learn about taking care of the earth and one of the most important ways we can take care of the earth is to take care of our garbage. the children come up and take a piece of garbage off of the large earth poster and see what animal or person they made happy!
Book: Where Does All the Garbage Go? (This book has been around for a long time and is not readily available. You may use any alternative books that you want that describe garbage and recycling. These are all great books!) Point out how garbage can be recycled. Show the signs of glass, plastic, paper, and aluminum and see if the children can remember what they can be recycled into. The following are some book options.
Activity 2: Classroom Clean Up
Ask the children if they have any ideas of what we can do with all of the garbage that is in our classroom? They will likely say, "recycle." Let them each go and pick up 2 or 3 pieces of garbage and come back and put it in the right bin.