Nothing gets our preschoolers saying, "Please, Thank You, Excuse Me, You're Welcome and Sorry" better than Miss Bee Polite. This 15 Minute Circle Time is guaranteed to get your classes doing the same! #15minutecircletimes, #preschoolmanners, #mannerslesson
Attention Getter: Miss Bee Polite
Tell the class that someone very special has come to class today. She has very good manners and she loves to see preschool children show their best manners. Then, introduce Miss Bee Polite. Let her point out the wonderful manners that she sees the children doing like: sitting quietly, paying attention, listening, raising their hands and etc.
Show the class Miss Bee Polite's word cards: Please, Thank You, You're Welcome, Sorry and Excuse Me. Tell them that these are some of Miss Bee Polite's favorite words. When you show each one, let the class tell you when they would use these words.
Activity 1: Miss Bee Polite's Lost Stripes
Have a second Miss Bee Polite ready to show the class. But this one will not have any stripes. Ask, "What is missing on Miss Bee Polite?" The children will identify that her stripes are missing.
Tell the class that Miss Bee Polite went to a party and her friends were impolite and did not use good manners which made her lose all of her stripes!
Then, go around the group and let each child tell you something that is polite and uses good manners. As they do, add a stripe to Miss Bee Polite. The children are always very happy to see her get her stripes back!
Book: Clifford's Manners
Read, Clifford's Manners and discuss all the good manners that Clifford uses throughout the story.
Activity 2: Polite or Not Polite?
Show the class a second bee with a frowning face. Tell them that this is Miss Not Polite. Give a few examples of actions that Miss Not Polite would do: she pushes her friends, she talks with her mouth full of food, she doesn't share her markers, and etc.
Then, let each child come up and choose an animal picture. Read the manners story on the back of each picture and let the child tell you if that animal used good manners or bad manners. Then let them decide if that animal's actions would be something Miss Bee Polite would do, or Miss Not Polite would do.