Attention Getter: Whose Hat?
If possible, have a variety or real hats available. Take out one at a time and ask the class, "Who would wear this hat?" If you do not have a wide enough variety of real hats to use, you may show pictures instead.
Activity 1: Mixed Up Hats
Have four children come to the front and show the class the hats they wore for Hat Day. Then have the class close their eyes while you mix up the hats. When the children open their eyes, their job is to get the correct hats back on the right heads.
Book: Whose Hat Is This?
Activity 2: Hat Sort
Print a variety of pictures of hats. Look for hats that people wear for work, protection, uniforms and fun.
Have a poster available with an area for each kind of hat. Then, let children come and choose a hat picture and decide where it should go on the board.